Toolbox Changelog
1.4.3 03/11/2025
- Updated UIkit to 3.23.2
Bug fix
- Typo in Singular Twig Template CPT label.
- Return early when using field module without field object, f.i. when field was removed later.
1.4.2 12/03/2024
- Updated UIkit to 3.21.16
Bug fix
- Move textdomain loading to init (to fix error messages in WP 6.7.0)
- Fix error message when drillling down into group fields in Meta Box settings fieldgroup
1.4.1 04/16/2024
- Updated Composer Timber version to 1.24.1 (security fix)
- Updated UIkit to 3.19.4
- Add __request as global variable for the Timber Posts module, so it can also be used in macros.
- Updated Gumroad updater. Due to API change the license checks and update wasn't working.
- Changed PHP code with interpolations to use the correct format: {\$variable_name}
- Removed filter that added [theme_folder]/views/blocks directory looking for ACF Timber blocks
1.4.0 11/14/2023
- Added the htmx library to be loaded optionally. htmx is a library that allows you to access modern browser features directly from HTML, rather than using javascript.
- Added Timber 1.23.0 as a Composer install. The repository plugin is not being actively updated and a message in the plugins overview. Activate Timber in Toolbox Settings and remove the Timber plugin from your setup.
- Updated UIkit to 3.17.8
- Add namespace to Gumroad Updater for better separation
- fixed Settings > Toolbox > Timber Templates options page not working when a CF solution other than ACF or Meta Box was running.
- Sometimes an error notice appears when called Timber::get_context. It sends the headers when it shouldn't. Added TimberProxy class as an alternative.
1.3.0 04/24/2023
- Added ACF Timber Block support to Toolbox. Add custom blocks using a Twig template header.
- Improved Error handling for Twig templates. This allows usage of |map, |filter, |reduce filters in live reload Beaver Builder Timber Posts Modules.
- Updated UIkit to 3.16.15
1.2.14 02/15/2023
- Removed optional parameter before required parameter (MetaBox logic rules), causing a php notice in log.
- Changed TimberPosts module init from new TimberPost() to preferred new \Timber\Post() method
- Updated UIkit to 3.15.24
1.2.13 01/08/2023
- Removed optional parameter before required parameter, causing a php notice in log.
- Removed unreachable code in js rules files, which triggers a JS warning
- Updated UIkit to 3.15.19
- Make Toolbox compatible with Beaver Builder 2.7 (currently in beta), new responsive editing
- Made a change to Toolbox conditional indicator. It now displays on hover only and hides when fl-builder is not loaded. Also displays to the right, under any BB conditional rules indicator.
1.2.12 10/27/2022
- Order by meta_value or meta_value_key in Timber Posts module not working correctly.
1.2.11 10/19/2022
- Found more occurances of StringLoaderExtension
1.2.10 10/19/2022
- After update to Timber 1.21.0 StringLoaderExtention doesnt to be reregistered
- Removed Toolbox custom filter cast_to_error, it is now already registered in Timber 1.21.0
1.2.9 10/17/2022
- Fixed bug in Toolbox Connector field not returning image url after update to ACF 6.x
1.2.8 10/07/2022
- Field Connections on Accordion and Tabs Modules not working due to updated BB module logic
- Updated UIkit to 3.15.10.
1.2.7 09/18/2022
- When using twig comments on multiple lines, text color would be too dark to read.
- Added checkbox on Twig Templates CPT for bulk edit/delete.
- Added twig_category taxonomy to be able to group/filter templates in Twig Templates CPT.
- Increase in speed by being more specific where certain libraries should be enqueued.
- Updated UIkit to 3.15.8.
1.2.6 09/09/2022
- Updated UIkit to 3.15.6.
1.2.5 04/09/2022
- Fixed corruption in update zip file.
1.2.4 08/04/2022
- Updated UIkit to v3.13.7
- Updated CodeMirror (Twig Templates editor) to v5.65.2
- Fixed problem that when PostQuery is used in toolboxtwig shortcode template and when in bb editor, the publish action is redirected to permalink of last postitem in PostQuery loop.
1.2.3 08/03/2022
- Updated UIkit to v3.11.1
- Added PostQuery function to perform Timber Posts Query within twig template {% set posts = PostQuery( args ) %}.
- Fixed Wrong Toolbox version number showing in Settings panel.
1.2.2 07/02/2022
- Updated UIkit to v3.11.0
- Added Twig functions toolbox_to_globals and toolbox_from_globals. To store and get variables using globals store.
- Timber Posts Module now has modules' Query Vars available as _context variable query.vars
- Fixed text-color of html and code editor turning white after opening Timber Posts Module when site uses white text on dark background.
1.2.1 19/04/2021
- Improved CSS styling for Timber Posts Module theme style. After opening Timber Posts module, css curly brackets were rendered white, making them not visible.
- Toolbox Conditional Logic fix for datetimezone check. Set and reset timezone to server setting.
- Timber Posts Module, added (optional) Emmet for improved HTML & CSS workflow (
- Timber Posts Module, added (optional) support for code snippets libraries. Use wp.hook.addFilter() to add snippets.
- Timber Posts Module, added control to temporarily disable preview refresh (experimental) on Timber Posts Module.
- Added build of UIkit to installation. Recent version of UIkit included and can optionally be enqueued (see plugin settings).
1.2.0 21/03/2021
- Toolbox Conditional Logic filter datetime-check timezone needs to be reset to original timezone.
- Fixed conditional logic rest-route incomplete permissions_callback.
- Fixed Twig Template Connector.
- Added Dark theme to the Timber Posts Ace-editor, for easier code editing.
- Changed GETvars variable in Timber Posts module to be loaded globally, instead of as a variable, making the variable accesible inside macros as well.
- Added a Toolbox Proxy class, so that PHP functions can be called easier. Use instead of
- Added option to set user roles that allow Twig Template and Timber Posts Module editing. (see wp Dashboard > Settings > Toolbox > Timber Templates )
1.1.5 28/09/2020
- Fixed a comma that was left behind (src/classes/integration/acf/class-bb-logic-rest-toolbox.php), resulting in an error notice.
1.1.4 22/09/2020
- Added following action-hooks: toolbox/before_acftimber_module , toolbox/before_acftimber_module/$id , toolbox/after_acftimber_module/$id , toolbox/before_acftimber_module that are called in that order on a Timber Posts-module.
- Added following action-hooks: toolbox/before_acffield_module , toolbox/before_acffield_module/$id , toolbox/after_acffield_module/$id , toolbox/before_acffield_module that are called in that order on a Toolbox Field-module.
- Enabled the Timber Posts module to run without the presence of ACF (Pro) or Meta Box, so you can also use with regular CF and other 3rd party CF.
- When using a Timber Posts module, including a part or template using fl_builder_insert_layout doesn't include that part or template's cached CSS.
- Removed register_route form class-bb-logic-rest-toolbox for ACF and Meta Box, changed to BB_Logic_Rules:register()
1.1.3 10/03/2020
- Meta Box Twig helper-function rwmb_meta and object sniffer for term, user and setting. Please update to Meta Box 5.2.3.
- Added filter to toolbox-twig conditional ( 'toolbox_bb_logic_rule_twig_compare' ) to allow new data being added for evaluation (like $_GET data)
- Added GETvars parameter to toolbox-twig conditional
- javascript: registered codemirror-editor as global variable for upcoming extension "Toolbox Twig Helper".
1.1.2 21/10/2019
- Added support for Gutenberg Block building using Twig Templates, for Meta Box (> v5.0). See docs for more.
- Added get_icon()-method to Timber Posts Module and Toolbox Field Module to allow setting a custom icon on alias modules
- Added phpversion() check on field sorting to prevent crashes on php 5.6 (listed as minimal compatible version).
- Re-added ACF group field post object to array filter.
- Added check is_user_logged_in() for displaying query param information when option is set in settings and fl_builder is active.
1.1.1 07/07/2019
- Updated package version due to updater not treating v1.1 equal to v.1.1.0, resulting in endless update notice.
1.1 01/07/2019
- Added function rwmb_meta() to Twig, so meta box fields can be queried even when ACF is set as the primary CF solution. If Meta Box is not activated NULL will be returned.
- Changed getting field from custom postid (or location) to a text-field. This allows you to select any post/option/tax_term id you require.
- Added custom settings for Timber Posts module. Create an alias and set the settings-field called 'settings_form_name' to the custom settings-form you created.
- Added __atts__ variable to be used inside the [toolboxtwig], which are ALL passed in attributes as is. No additional filtering is needed (see next enhancement).
- Added __atts__ variable to be used inside the [toolbox] shortcode, which is all accepted FILTERED attributes. This means that - if you want to use a new attribute value - you will need to add a filter to the toolbox/helpers/sc_attr/type={fieldtype} filter-hook to actually accept a value.
- Added Toolbox Conditional Logic rules for ACF/Meta Box Post and Option fields.
- Reset priority to initialize Toolbox on plugins_loaded hook to 5
- Added filter toolbox_condlogic_value, which gets the initial field value to compare against
- Added filter toolbox_condlogic_value_{fieldtype}, which allows you to change field value based on fieldtype (f.i. a repeater might need to compare the number or iterations, which you now can)
- Added filter toolbox_condlogic_evalresult_{fieldtype}, which allows to do additional evaluation testing based on value and/or rule.
- Added filter toolbox_condlogic_field_options, which allows you to set extra options when getting a fieldtype, for instance when using Meta Box and fieldvalue needs to be pulled from a custom table.
- Added filter toolbox_condlogic_fieldtypes, which allows you to add (new/custom) fieldtypes to be recognized by Toolbox conditional
- Added filter toolbox_condlogic_operators, which allows you to set the available operators for (new/custom) fieldtypes
- Appearance of Timber Template on Connectors even when not selected in Toolbox Settings.
- Page Link-field breaks layout when Timber is not installed. Fieldtype should be returned as string, not as object.
- Link-field has two output modes, added alternate to return.
1.0.4 6/6/2019
- Fixed broken Toolbox Updater class, which prevents Toolbox versions 1.0.0 through 1.0.3 from downloading the update-package.
1.0.3 27/05/2019
- Fixed error when Toolbox tries to returns id's for an unset fieldname, which can happen when a fieldname gets added after the post is already created and hasn't been updated with a(n) (empty) value.
- Loading toolboxLoader::init on action hook 'plugins_loaded' instead of assuming any of the CF solutions load before Toolbox.
1.0.2 10/05/2019
- Minor enhancement to postid test in shortcode_get_{cf} callback that enables getting field value of other postid/option/tax_termid (ACF and Meta Box).
- Enhancement to Meta Box shortcode_get_metabox to be able to get settings fields using shortcode
1.0.1 17/04/2019
- Fixed: re-added forgotten ACF filters that handle default fieldtype settings, which prevented returning field output.
1.0.0 09/04/2019
- Moved toolbox_get_posts wrapper function to main class-toolbox-twig-extend.php for access for ACF users.
1.0.0 beta 08/04/2019
- Added Meta Box settings page support
- Removed post_status from custom query array because it failed to show private posts for logged in users.
1.0.0 alpha 13/01/2019
- Added Meta Box support
- Added Meta Box Custom Table support
- Added Twig function toolbox_dump() to dump a variable in the layout
- Added Twig filter fl_builder to only render content when in ?fl_builder and logged in as a user
- Removed pre-filled templates for connectors and connector-insert because they were interfering with the connector settings.
0.9.7 11/29/2018
- Fixed updater unable do download update-package. (reverted from fix in 0.9.5)
- Fixed returning breaking comment-line when Twig CSS in Timber Posts Module is empty or returning error.
0.9.6 9/11/2018
- Added Import Twig files to Twig Templates CPT, useful when copying twig templates via FTP.
- Added Export Twig Templates CPT to Twig Files, needed after importing twig-templates form another WP installation.
- Added Support for Toolbox Search Filters on Toolbox Timber Posts module (beta addon)
- Started adding necessary extensions to upcoming Beaver Builder v2.2
- Added Slug-column to Twig Templates Dashboard overview
- Added optional (!!!) Twig CSS to Timber Posts Module
- Added Twig filters: cast_to_array (changes Object to Array), json_decode (changes json-string to associative Array)
- Fix Menu Order sort direction not showing and selectable in Timber Posts Module
- Removed Twig functions: toolbox_form_selectbox, toolbox_form_checkbox
0.9.5 12/10/2018
- Fixed codemirror twig editor to fallback to 3024-midnight theme on multisite.
- Fixed plugin-update-checker that sent out too frequent requests.
- Fixed unclosed tag on toolbox_form_checkbox()
- Fixed translation-files location pointing to the wrong location, resulting in error when running with wp_debug enabled.
- Fixed *Toolbox conditional filter Datetime not working when also having PowerPack installed.
- Fixed *Toolbox conditional filter Datetime "What to do when match" not working correctly.
- Added autoheight on CodeMirrors Twig Templates.
- Added Clone ACF-field to fieldtypes.
0.9.4 18/08/2018
- Fixed DOM error in Settings panel where Timber Template field-checkboxes didnt get the correct IDs.
- Added fieldname to field dropdown for easier selection. Can be deactivated in Toolbox-settings to only show the label.
- Added POT-file to /languages directory and activated textdomain translations if available.
0.9.3 16/08/2018
- Textual improvements.
v0.9.2.1 13/08/2018
- Toolbox Settings not displaying fieldtype names due to change in ACF 5.7. Updated with version check on changed function-return.
v0.9.2 03/08/2018
- ACF field module: ACF 5.7 has changed results on one of their functions. Fixed fieldlist and grouplist in class ToolboxUtils.
v0.9.1 06/07/2018
- Enqueue the Codemirror (Twig Templates) scripts and css only when on admin/dashboard, not on frontend.
- Added and variables for better search results. will have reference to posts when plugin is activated.
- Added select for PostQuery / get_posts for Timber Posts Module for Relevanssi Support. Set to get_posts when using Relevanssi.
v0.9 28/06/2018
- Added Taxonomies, Tags and User selection to Timber Posts. You can now filter most popular settings front-end.
- Improved Display of Post Type Select on Timber Posts Module with multiple rows in view
- Error handling of Twig templates. You can now choose between silent empty return or debug message. No more hanging of the browser.
- Added shortcode to directly execute template in field
- Added CPT Twig Templates with Codemirror Syntaxhighlighter for saving of valuable twig-templates outside of modules. Include, import or use .twig files and reuse this code.
- Re-ordered Settings-menu items to it's own tab.
v0.8.8 12/6/2018
- Added Twig function toolbox_object_to_array. This function transforms an object to an array, useful for handling fields that have an invalid name when trying to call them as a variable.
- Added Twig function toolbox_get_term_by. This is useful when working with Taxonomy field, to retreive the corresponding name of that term. In a __field__ loop, use: to display the taxonomy id's name.
- Added Twig function toolbox_get_fields. Return one or multiple fields in one pass. Use {% set myfields = toolbox_get_fields('my_field') %} or {% set myfields = toolbox_get_fields( ['my_field', 'my_second_field' , 'my_third_field'] )%}
- Added Twig function toolbox_get_field_objects. Return one or multiple field_objects in one pass. Use {% set myfields = toolbox_get_field_objects('my_field') %} or {% set myfields = toolbox_get_field_objects( ['my_field', 'my_second_field' , 'my_third_field'] )%}
- Changed behavior of filter 'toolbox_twig_preset_directory'. You can set a directory using this filter, when adding modules it will first try to find the field template there. If not found it will revert to the plugins default template. You can still set 'toolbox_twig_preset_directory_{fieldtype}' for individual fieldtypes to different directories.
Bug fix
- Added fieldtypes url, group, email, password, range, true_false to templateable fields.
v0.8.7 9/6/2018
- Added Main Query posts collection to the Timber Posts Module. On Singular page use post and posts variable, on archive and others use posts only.
- Added Filter to add custom Twig-views directories. Defaults to your-child-theme/views and your-theme/views directory.
- Added Timber variable __field__ and __field__object to default data. __field__ is the returned acf-value, __field__object the acf-field object. This is in favor of the previous {fieldtype} and {fieldtype}_data. This seemed to clash with other variables (group, user) when fieldtypes were named as filters, methods or tags. Also, some fieldtypes can have not so obvious names like flexible_content. {fieldtype} and {fieldtype}_data be deprecated in v1.0
Bug fix
- Was able to add taxonomy-fieldtype, user-fieldtype, group-fieldtype because of enhancement above.
v0.8.6 8/6/2018
Bug fix
- Fixed getting of the right option-key for auto update.
v0.8.5 8/6/2018
- Added Twig-functions. dumpv(var) to var_dump a variable, toolbox_get_fields([array] , postid , $formatvalue ) to get an array of acf's in one pass.
v0.8.4 8/6/2018
- Moved Conditionals to their own static classes to prevent redeclaring functions.
- Added admin option to set the server timezone for conditional datetime.
- Added variable conditional_match to set action on conditional match.
v0.8.3 7/6/2018
- Added safemode to prevent and be able to edit when twig template fails and code errors with 200.
- Added custom filter for Timber template.
- Added conditional to check for ACF value.
Bug fix
- Substitute code field for textarea because BB doesn't allow this fieldtype on connectors.
v0.8.2 5/6/2018
- Added fieldtype Timber preset templates.
- Added filter for custom user templates.
v0.8.1 3/6/2018
- Changed module naming for clarity.
v0.8 1/6/2018
- Admin Options overhaul.
- Added licensekey for updates.
v0.7.3 1/6/2018
- Improved Admin Options functionality.
- Improved Plugin loader readability.
v0.7.2 29/5/2018
- Added pagination for Toolbox Timber Module.
v0.7.1.1 26/5/2018
Bug fixes
- Removed an undeclared variable.
- admin options fix.
v0.7.1 - 25/5/2018
- Added Datecheck conditional to default conditionals.
- Added Querystring conditional to default conditionals.
v0.7 - 22/5/2018
- Added messages to admin-options page. Checks if Timber is installed, Link to installing Timber, Activating Timber.
- Check for bb-theme to enfore full-width.
v0.6.3.1 - 22/5/2018
Bug fixes
- Fixed error that appears on E_ALL error reporting.
v0.6.3 - 22/5/2018
- Added Toolbox Timber for custom posts query.
- Added Posts navigation with icon and custom format and link
v0.6.2.2 - 18/5/2018
Bug fixes
- Added testing for undeclared variables on Options page on first install.
v0.6.2.1 - 18/5/2018
Minor improvements
v0.6.1 - 17/5/2018
- Use of [shortcodewp] reinstated.
- Added [shortcodewp] getting of next_post and previous_post with fa-icon and %link template.
- Shortend the default toolbox/helpers/get_acf_field/ callbacks for improved readability and easier removal.
- upped the priority (90) of timber_template filter on relational fields.
v0.6.0 - 17/5/2018
- Converting of object type to array on subfield_data to make it usable in Timber.
v0.5.9 - 16/5/2018
- Added static map style selector for Google Maps Field.
- Added option to return static map with <img> tag. This way you can use the returned image as a row/column background.
v0.5.8 - 16/5/2018
- Added static/embed map selector to Google Maps Field.
- Added message on option screen when there are no CPT's to activate.
v0.5.5 - 16/5/2018
Bug fixes
- Fixed bugs on function being called static when it wasn't.
- Fixed calling of non existing indexes in arrays.
- Fixed other failing tests for values that had no value on first install.
v0.5.0 - 15/5/2018
Initial release for beta testers.