HTMX Requests
Starting with Toolbox 1.4.0 you can enqueue the HTMX javascript library and register AJAX requests using Twig templates. But what are they? Dynamic content If you’ve ever tried to register…Creating a custom taxonomy filter
You can create custom filters for your layouts using Twig templates without the need for additional plugins. The fun part is that you can tweak them to your own needs…Using a PostQuery in your Template
No more tb.get_posts() ! You can do a Timber PostQuery inside your Timber Posts Modules from now on. Added in Toolbox 1.2.3 Make sure to update your Toolbox version before…Adding Global Twig Variables
Have you ever had the need to set global variables that can be used across multiple Twig templates? Then you might have tried to create a Twig Template, set a…